Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Animal, Vegetable, Mineral?

The Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology recreated the 1950's game show Animal, Vegetable, Mineral? using the museum's artifacts and pitting a team of three professors versus three students. The goal of the show is to correctly identify the what, when, and where of artifacts given to the team. The team with more correct answers wins. The trickiest artifact of the evening, given to the professors, was a bowl from the Pacific Northwest of North America made of whale baleen.

The team of Professors deliberates over an artifact. Despite a strong performance, the students came out victorious.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Happy 800th Birthday, Cambridge!

The University of Cambridge celebrated its 800th birthday in 2009 and the longer I'm here the more it seems every building and bridge in the city has a story behind it. There's the bar where Watson and Crick celebrated their discovery of the double helix, there are haunted dormatories, and there's the courtyard from Chariots of Fire that I've been dying to run around. Here are a few pics.

The Bridge of Sighs in Cambridge spans the River Cam and is part of St. John's College.